SAP FSCM Course Content
- Overview of the SAP FSCM
- Introduction to SAP FSCM Business Processes and
- Integration with FI Overview
- SAP Biller Direct (FIN-FSCM-BD)
- FIN-FSCM-BD Business Processes
- Customer Portal Administration
- Create Users, Worklist Customer Messages
- Display and Delete Customer Action Logs
- Create Customer Notifications
- Activities of the Bill Receiver
- FIN-FSCM-BD Configuration
- (Process Integration with AR Accounting)
- Payment Methods, Partial Payment and
- Currency, Payment Block for Release Process
- Credit Card settings
- Business AddIns – determination of Bills, Notification address
- SAP Collections Management (FIN-FSCM-COL)
- FIN-FSCM-COL Business Processes (User Menu Transactions)
- SAP AR and FSCM Collection Management Data Integration
- Creation of Worklists
- My worklist and Supervisor Worklist
- Evaluation and Confirmation of Promise to Pay
- FIN-FSCM-COL Configuration
- Basic Settings for Collections Management
- Make Settings in Accounting
- Define Company Codes for Collection Management
- Define Organizational Structure for Collection Management
- Business Partner Settings
- Promises to Pay, Worklist Distribution Procedure
- Integration with FIN AR and FSCM DM (Dispute Mangement)
- SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR)
- FIN-FSCM-CR Business Processes (User Menu Transactions)
- Master data – Business Partner, Customer Lists, Credit Limit
- Master Data Mass Changes – Credit Limit, Score, Rules
- List Displays – Credit Profile, Credit segment, Credit Exposure
- Integration with AR Accounting
- FIN-FSCM-CR Configuration
- Credit Risk Monitoring Settings
- Master data – Credit segments, Rating Procedure Formulas
- Credit Limit, Credit Ratings, Create Risk Classes
- Integration with AR accounting
- AR – Define Credit Segment, Credit Control Area, Recon Accts
- SAP Dispute Management (FIN-FSCM-DM)
- FIN-FSCM-DM Business Processes (User Menu Transactions)
- Dispute Case Processing, Automatic Write off of dispute cases
- Automatic Creation of dispute cases
- Automatic Assignment of Open Items to Dispute Cases
- Document Changes through Dispute Cases
- Dispute Case Regular Processor
- FIN-FSCM-DM Configuration
- Dispute Case Processing
- Create RMS ID
- Element Type and Case Record Model
- Create Element Type and Profile for case search
- Create customer specific functions
- Text Profiles
- Status Management – create status profile
- Correspondence and Case Types
- Workflow and Process Integration Settings